Air, Ambience, Animals, Bells, Boats, Cartoon, Chains, Clocks, Computers, Creatures, Designed, Doors, Electricity, Foley, Footsteps, Games, Horns, Human, Ice, Machines, Mechanical, Metal, Musical, Objects, Paper, Plastic, Rocks, Rope, Snow, Swooshes, Tools, Toys, User Interface, Vegetation, Vehicles, Water, Wind and Wood, Air Powered, Appliance, Boom, Break, Burp, Burst, Buzz, Hum, Car, Cat, Domestic, Click, Coin, Construction, Cough, Crash, Debris, Creak, Designed, Door, Fan, Farm, Freight, Friction, Furniture, Hand, Handbell, Handle, Hands, Hard Drive, Horn, Household, Human, Humanoid, Impact, Jalopy, Keys, Lap, Latch, Leaves, Lever, Mechanical, Mechanism, Misc, Monster, Movement, Percussion, Plumbing Pop, Pour, Ratchet, Riser, Room tone, Rumble, Skid, Splash, Stringed, Suburban, Switch, Tick, Tonal, Toy, Traffic, Truck, Van, SUV, Video, Whoosh, Wood, Woodwind,

Sound Effects Collection - Part 02

  • Sale
  • $200.00
  • Regular price $249.50
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PART02 = 978 files • 96 KHz/ 24 - 32 Bit • 4.06Go

FULL BUNDLE = 1254 files • 96 KHz/ 24 - 32 Bit • 8.7Go

The First package of the Sound Effects Collection. Our frequently updated library contain the first 6 months including 26 weekly updates. This bundle feature 41 categories with 97 subcategories. Air, Ambience, Animals, Bells, Boats, Cartoon, Chains, Clocks, Computers, Creatures, Designed, Doors, Electricity, Foley, Footsteps, Games, Horns, Human, Ice, Machines, Mechanical, Metal, Musical, Objects, Paper, Plastic, Rocks, Rope, Snow, Swooshes, Tools, Toys, User Interface, Vegetation, Vehicles, Water, Wind and Wood.

The part 02 include:
Ice, Machines, Mechanical, Metal, Musical, Objects, Paper, Plastic, Rocks, Rope, Snow, Swooshes, Tools, Toys, User Interface, Vegetation, Vehicles, Water, Wind and Wood.

You can buy the Part 01 HERE and complete the bundle!

An unavoidable weapon to have to add to your arsenal!!

Each sound has been meticulously edited individually, following the UCS compliant. All files were recorded and are delivered in 24 or 32bit 96 kHz Broadcast Wave files, all embedded with Soundminer for easy research and ensure fast and easy workflow. 

Complete SoundListing HERE